Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Day 110: Who Says Salad is Boring?

I love salad.  I crave it.  But of course, it can be boring if it's always the same old thing.

Tonight I marinated some uncooked shelled shrimp in garlic, lemon juice, olive oil, red pepper flakes, and S&P for about 15 minutes.  Mix the marinade first and taste it to see what you need to tweak - it shouldn't be too oily or too acidic.

While the shrimp were soaking up all those great flavors, I prepared the rest of the salad.  I tend to use whatever is in the fridge - tonight that was a head of romaine, a red bell pepper, a Rome apple, a carrot, and sliced almonds.  I love the nutrition guideline that suggests that you should try to eat a rainbow and always try to incorporate a lot of different color in my meals.

Then I heated up some olive oil in a non-stick pan and sauteed the shrimp for a couple of minutes on each side and laid them over the salad.

If you think a salad can't be a filling enough dinner, you're wrong.  Just make it bigger!  Add some lean protein (shrimp, chicken, or tuna) and some fiber and you will get full and stay full.  Have I mentioned how much I love salad?

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