Monday, November 17, 2008

Day 135: Up, Up, and Away

Goodbye vacation, hello travel nightmares.  Two out of three of our flights from Key West to San Francisco were delayed and our luggage didn't quite make it but at least we had pizza!

Continental Airlines is one of the last airlines to provide free meals in flight and the food is damn tasty, too.  Bonus!

As you can see, our meal tonight was "The Right Cheese Pizza Pie" (I don't know what this means.  What is the wrong one?), an iceberg and cabbage salad, and M&Ms.  Oh yea, and a gin & tonic that I didn't have to pay for because we turned in a free drink voucher.

It's not a giant plate of steamed shrimp, but it was good.  And if they're going to lose anything, I rather it be my luggage than my food any day.

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