Monday, April 13, 2009

Day 283: Chicken x 2

I cooked up some delicious chicken soup and matzoh balls over the weekend and used the leftovers to make a delicious dinner tonight.

The remaining chicken that I hadn't returned to the broth went into a salad with arugula, yellow bell pepper, sliced beets, chopped carrots and celery, and sliced almonds.  My very favorite bottled dressing, Newman's Own Light Balsamic Vinaigrette brought it all together.

And of course, my yummy matzoh ball soup made a great pairing with the salad.  Sadly, the soup is now finished.  My hubby has requested that we have matzoh balls again soon but I'm torn.  Keep it as a special annual holiday treat or make them more often throughout the year?  Thoughts?


  1. We have it for every holiday but my mom always has a stash of Jewish Penicillin in the freezer. The matzoh balls only get made during the holidays, so that makes the soup extra special for the holidays. Always comes in handy when one is sick. I remember her trying to walk me through the recipe when I was in SF and had a rotten cold.

  2. I emphatically agree with hubby. A year is much too long a time between matzoh balls. It is much better to have them on more frequent special occasions (made special by the matzoh ball themselves)-- like whenever homemade chicken soup is on the menu. Of course, kreplach are a very good substitute or addition as well. Good luck. Howard
