Sunday, April 26, 2009

Day 296: Please Pass the Burger Bite

Day 2 of my marathon of friends during this trip back east, this one with college friends. There are two couples who live within just a 15 minute drive of my parents' house so we decided to take advantage of the amazing weather we've been having and gathered at one of their homes for a bbq.

It was a great night to sit outside, sip some cold white wine, and enjoy catching up with friends that I haven't seen in well over a year! Dinner was hamburgers and sweet potatoes, both from the grill, and potato salad and green salad. One hamburger became the casualty of "the flip" and broke up into what we called "burger bites" which sort of got passed around throughout the meal, depending on who needed another small does of red meat in their system. The bite on my plate actually wound up in someone else's belly.

The sweet potatoes were definitely the star of the meal, however. They had marinated in olive oil, some herbs, and S&P and then were grilled until tender. Everyone raved about them! Good job, Kelly!

And, I'm thrilled to say that I did indeed carry last night's lesson with me, sipping a beer and some white wine like the adult I am supposed to be! Will it last? The marathon isn't over yet!

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